Mussa Jalil - Selected Poems / Муса Джалиль. Избранное - Параллельные тексты стихотворений на английском и русском языках (книга билингва). / Составитель: Евгения Имбовиц. / Художник Георгий Дауман.
Mussa Jalil - Selected Poems / Муса Джалиль. Избранное - Параллельные...
Mussa Jalil - Selected Poems / Муса Джалиль. Избранное
Книга на русском и английском языках (книга билингва).
Составитель: Евгения Имбовиц. Редакторы: Н.М. Капустина, Т.Л. Будкова. Художник Георгий Дауман.
Издательство: Прогресс. М. 1981. 208 с. Твердый переплет. Формат: 60х108/16 (145х240)
Книга избранных произведений известного татарского советского поэта Мусы Джалиля. Издание содержит параллельные тексты стихотворений на английском и русском языках.
Mussa Jalil never kept a diary. He wrote poems instead. Every poem was his reaction to an event in his life, a life that cannot be separated from that of his country. His poems are full of love for his wonderful land, and hatred for its foes. They tell of the poet’s life and his character which formed in persistent labour and struggle. Mustai Karim, a poet of Soviet Bashkiria, said of Mussa Jalil: «He has come to symbolise one of the summits of the greatness and pride of the Soviet people. It is just such people as he who, as ambassadors plenipotentiary, represent their country in the communion of the nations and peoples of the world. It is by them that the people of the world form their opinion of the character and heart of the nation that has given them birth».
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